Friday, 1 March 2013

Miss Guided | Maxi Split

Hey dolls,

Can't believe it's Friday already! This week has flown in and I'm not complaining. I've had a pretty busy week as per usual and I'm on a spending ban WAH. Need to save my pennies for holidays ! Anyway, before my spending ban I made the most of it and bought a few pieces, including a gorgeous dress from American Apparel which I will post sometime this week! 
So I thought I would share with you my latest purchase from Miss Guided. If you read my blog regularly, you will know that I have some unknown obsession with a high side split. I don't know why I love it so much but I do and my wardrobe is slowly becoming split central for spring/summer! I really like wearing baby pink and nude colours so I was immediately drawn to this dress when I was having a little browse of the new in section last week. It also comes in a gorgeous mint colour as well, which I have been lusting after ever since I received this one. I am definitely getting too excited for summer clothes. I love all the pastel colours and I much prefer summer clothes shopping than winter fo sho.
I have bought a black maxi split dress from Miss guided before and the reason why I keep going back is due to the length of this dress. As I am pretty tall (about 5"7/8) getting a maxi dress is always a pain as if I want to go on a night out and wear heels I cant be bothered with some half mast dress or skirt. This Miss Guided dress is perfect for me as it is quite long and I can wear with or without heels and it still looks okay!You can get this dress HERE and it is just £17.99 which I think is a bargain! 

Have you bought anything off Miss Guided recently? 



  1. How lovely - I have a similar black one that I wore for a wedding from topshop and I love it!

    Be great if you could check out my latest post on my: Boohoo #GlobalStyler entry & birthday in Manchester.

    I am also running my 1st blog giveaway here where you could win MAC, Jewellery plus other goodies.

    Thanks! Charlie xx | UK Fashion Blog

    1. Ahh thanks they are great arent they! Oh of course :) xoxo

  2. This dress is GORGEOUS! Can't beleive its such a bargain aswell, I really want it in black, wish I wasn't so skint right now! I am SO excited for summer clothes!! xx

    1. Thank you! Yeah the black one would look amaze! same I cannot wait to whack the summer wardrobe out! xoxo

  3. I love this dress, I love it in the darker pink colour! You look gorgeous x

    Brunette in Louboutins A fashion & lifestyle blog.

    1. Thanks beauts! Yeah me too ! Think I just love it in every colour tbh ! haha xoxo

  4. You look absolutely gorgeous!

  5. Eep this is lush Ash & 17.99? Crikey - Helllo bargain! Xxxxx.

  6. The dress is so cute! So tempted to buy one myself but I put myself on a spending ban too :( x

    1. Thank you ! Ahh it sucks doesnt it :'( I bet I cave ! xoxo

  7. ahh you look SO amazing! x

  8. Ahh how beaut do you look! Need that dress x

    1. Thanks gorgeous! You doo! I want it in all the colours haha xoxo

  9. Whoa that dress is GORGEOUS! Looks totally fabulous on you! xx

  10. This looks gorgeous on you! I have the same dress but in a red colour :)
    Saadiya xx


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