Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Celeb fix

As I was looking through my Twitter feed today, I came across a tweet mentioning an amazing website that I have never seen before 'Celeb Boutique'. If your celebrity fashion mad like me, then this will be right up your street.

Basically it makes a copy of all the dresses and other 'There's no way I can afford that' items that you have seen on your favourite celebs but with a high street price.

I've got to say though, when I say high street price, they are all still ranging from £100 upwards unless you grab yourself a sale item.

I am in love with Herve Leger dresses and as soon as I earn enough money this will be my first purchase (along with the Louboutins!!). However on Celeb Boutique there are loads of pretty accurate copies of these dresses that I probably wouldn't mind paying as it is an eighth of some of the ones on my wish list.

I have picked out a few of my favourites from the website....

'Kimmie Adelisa' Hot Pink Strapless Bodycon Bandage Dress

Heidi Montag
Kim Kardashian
**Classic Bodycon piece, perfect for any occasion

'Fergie' Ivory Fringe Strapless Bandage Bodycon Dress

Rochelle Wiseman

**Cute for a night out with the Boyf ! (N'aww)

'Fox' Black Mesh Bandage Dress

Megan Fox

**Sexy with the mesh cut out, but still classy at the knee 
 'Sass' Gold Crystal Embellished Black Bandage Dress

Beyonce Knowles

**Shows off your curves and looks amazing with statement earrings and ring!

'Paris' Blue Glitter One Shoulder Bodycon Dress

'Paris' Red Glitter One Shoulder Power Shoulder Dress

Paris Hilton

**They also have these dresses in Silver & Gold for £69.99
***I think the blue dress looks gorgeous with Paris' blonde hair, and the red version of the dress would look amazing with some glossy brown locks :)

There are loads more dresses I love on this site along with skirts, shoes, accessories. Definitely worth a stop off if you want something for a special night out and you want to splash out a little :)


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